In this installment, Dan and Jordan check in to see how Alex responded to news of another attempted assassination against Trump. Turns out it's bunker time.
In this installment, Dan and Jordan finally get around to discussing the culmination of Alex's life's work, Reset Wars.
In this installment, Dan and Jordan take in Alex celebrating the anniversary of 9/11 by discussing the debate between Trump and Harris, and announcing that he's raffling off a truck.
In this installment, Dan and Jordan tune in to experience the somewhat underwhelming third installment of Alex's series of interviews with ChatGPT.
Find the new side show It's A Matter Of Time here
In this installment, Dan and Jordan check in to see what comes next for Alex after he interviewed a robot: interviewing a robot again.
In this installment, Dan and Jordan check in on a special report Alex put out where he had the best idea of his recent career: do a confrontational interview with ChatGPT.