Today, Dan and Jordan check in on how last week ended on The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex desperately tries to attack the idea of wearing masks, promotes his anti-mask rally, and gets humiliated by one of his anti-communist heroes.
Today, Dan and Jordan check in on a very exhausting couple days on The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex tries to launch a distasteful and racist national movement destined for failure, decides he now hates Gov. Abbott, and consoles two of his friends who've recently lost their social media.
Today, Dan and Jordan discuss Alex Jones' triumphant (horrible) return to studio after his vacation. In this installment, Alex insists that Trump's Tulsa rally was actually a big success, gets really sloppy about making up details about stories, and repeatedly prays for the deaths of his imagined enemies.
Today, after too long a time since Part 1, Dan and Jordan get back on track with trying to follow the path of Bill Cooper's coverage of the bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. In this installment, the gents gain some extra insight into Bill from his biography, learn about one of Bill's listener's relationship with their dad, and reveal what Dan learned that made him dance around his apartment.
Today, Dan and Jordan ease back into the recording with a bit of a wacky Infowars outing. In this installment, Owen Shroyer found a replica WWE championship belt and decides to hold an office-wide push-up contest, which of course Alex has to derail.
Today, Dan and Jordan discuss how last week ended on the Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex is convinced that a coup was announced on The Daily Show, reveals that he doesn't know anything about the Lincoln assassination, and Dan imagines what Alex's conversation with the Secret Service was like.
Today, Dan and Jordan discuss a troubling day on The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex becomes obsessed with a new video a nurse put out pushing Covid-19 conspiracies, declares that a "warlord" has taken over most of a US city, and Dan gets confused by InfoWars editing decisions.
Today, Dan and Jordan drop a little announcement that they're going to be taking this Friday off from having an episode. To make it up to everyone, Dan reviews a couple foods he's eaten recently.
Today, Dan and Jordan discuss Alex Jones' half-day shift on his show from Tuesday. In this installment, Alex floats a weird Kennedy assassination theory and attempts to find some reformed leftists in his audience to call in to the show.
Today, Dan and Jordan discuss Friday's episode of the Alex Jones Show and encounter some real stupidity. In this installment, Alex misrepresents some news about a retracted study and fails to explain a skull on his desk adequately. Also, Dan takes issue with Alex's vocabulary.
Today, Dan and Jordan keep up with the current goings-on in the world of Alex Jones. In this installment, Alex interviews a couple doomed Congressional candidates, decides that Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump are Democrats and villains, and treads water with his anti-Antifa (pro-fa?) narratives.
Today, Dan and Jordan continue to track the abhorrent behavior of Alex Jones in the present day. In this installment, Alex is accused of burning a mattress, Alex and his staff make peace with military arresting citizens for breaking curfew, and Dan abuses Jordan with more fun drops.
Today, Dan and Jordan discuss Alex Jones' coverage of the ongoing situation with nation-wide protests that have broken out. In this installment, Alex brings back his fake Soros/Antifa contracts in order to reintroduce Soros as his primary villain, responds to his fake tank getting chased away from a protest, and makes up stories about video clips he's seen online.