In this installment, Dan and Jordan find Alex continuing to make offensive conspiracies about the Maui fires, and Dan discusses his feelings about the death of his favorite wrestler.
In this installment, Jordan sits down with Amanda Moore to chat about her time undercover, names that should not exist, and Ron DeSantis's rizz.
In this installment, a listener recommends Dan and Jordan cover an interview where Alex fields questions from a YouTuber who is completely oblivious to any of the things Alex believes or promotes, yet thinks he's a very credible source of information. It's all very baffling.
In this installment, Alex teases and reveals the most important news story he's ever broken, from a "very credible" source. Plus, he gives his stamp of approval to people from India.
In this installment, Roger Stone provides a very unbiased critque of the newest Trump indictment and Alex pitches a theory that the Maui fires were a false flag.
Today, Dan and Jordan check in to see what Alex was up to at the end of last week. In this installment, Alex warns that the Globalists want to make everyone allergic to meat, meanwhile Dan and Jordan pine for a world where people could change height at will.
Today, Dan and Jordan dip back to the past to enjoy some vintage Alex. In this installment, Alex gets real passive aggressive with a caller and covers a couple shootings at secret society initiations.
Today, Dan and Jordan get together to discuss the breaking news that Alex Jones is going to try to relaunch a subscription service on Steven Crowder's new network full of losers.
Today, Dan and Jordan enjoy Alex's Saturday "emergency" broadcast. In this installment, Alex interviews a guy who does not want to be called the Q Shaman, where it is revealed that the Globalists want to feed us all to the planet Saturn.
Today, Dan and Jordan check in to see how Alex decided to cover Trump's newest indictment. Plus, Owen Shroyer shows off some awful vintage racism.