In this installment, Dan and Jordan cover the great meeting of the minds between "Daddy Hitler" Alex Jones and "Baby Hitler" Nick Fuentes. It's not as much of a debate as it was advertised to be, but it's just as bad as one would expect.
In this installment, Dan and Jordan chat about some of the high/low-lights from Alex's recent interview with Vivek Ramaswamy, who is techincally running for president.
In this installment, Dan and Jordan discuss a video Alex put out trying to do damage control about the recent news about his bankruptcy. Somehow, the episode is more than an hour longer than the actual video Alex made.
In this installment, Dan and Jordan deal with an episode of Alex's show in three acts: one part terrible, one part farce, and one part DMT fantasies about precognitive 100 ft. tall mantis beings that want to break your will.
In this installment, Dan and Jordan grapple with Friday the 13th on Alex's show. The way Alex celebrates is by taling a bit about the conflict in the Middle East, and how it is really all about him and how he's been so wronged by so many.
In this installment, Dan and Jordan go on a time travel adventure suggested by DJ Danarchy. This episode has it all: Alex complaining about Glenn Beck, Alex whining about Glenn Beck, and even Alex whining about how he doesn't want to complain about Glenn Beck.
In this installment, Dan and Jordan wrestle with a baffling and inappropriate "emergency" "special" "report" that Alex put out on Saturday. Jordan is left bewildered, as Alex shocks in new and unexpected ways.
In this installment, Dan and Jordan close out the UK trip with a second live show at Amersham Arms in London. The show covers the time that Alex Jones went to London in June 2013 for the Bilderberg meeting, which may involve slightly different subject matter than you'd expect.
In this installment, Dan and Jordan podcast live from the Amersham Arms in London. Tune in to learn about the Tootsie Pop owl, the difference between the mind and brain, and much more.
In this installment, Dan and Jordan do the show live in a conference room at the QED Conference in Manchester, where they discuss the August 24, 2009 episode of the Alex Jones Show, which may or may not have been an important day in Manchester history.
In this installment, Dan and Jordan return from their UK tour to chat about Alex doing an episode full of xenophobia, racist conspiracies, and novel recipes for human cuisine.