In this installment, Dan and Jordan chat with Solomon Berg and Daniel Jordan (aka Barry and Andrew), the two gents behind the riveting Ambassador saga on Project Camelot. The conversation gets into all manner of revelations one might come to by entering the the paranormal conspiracy space, and if the strategy of stealthily injecting reality into unreal spaces has any promise.
In this installment, Dan blows Jordan's mind by telling him all about how Tucker Carlson decided it was worth his time to interview Larry Sinclair, the man who claims to have done drugs and had sex with Obama back in 1999.
In this installment, Dan and Jordan are thrilled to welcome noted Raptor Princess Erica Lafferty back to the show to get into the really important issues, like whether or not penguins are secretly fish, and Erica's go-to karaoke jams.
In this installment, Dan and Jordan experience a very weird day for Alex. He seems pretty drunk, spends a fair amount of time complaining about an Economist article he didn't read, then does an intensely anti-LGBTQ interview with Judge Joe Brown.
In this installment, Jordan sits down with Rolling Stone senior writer EJ Dickson for a chat about online media literacy and fake "Karen videos."
In this installment, Dan and Jordan catch up with some big headlines involving Infowars from the past weeks, including Owen Shroyer's legal troubles, Alex going on Russian TV, and Harrison Smith dropping the ball with an antisemitic caller.
Today, Jordan sits down with Sophie From Mars to chat about an array of topics, from the value of the term wokeness to the sincerity of the Wachowskis.
In this installment, Alex gets mad about running into tech problems trying to play a fake video, predicts the assassinations of both Trump and Biden, and has a meaningless conversation with Marjorie Taylor Greene.
In this installment, Alex does a "special" Saturday episode where he interviews Mike Flynn about impending hack attack false flags, and then talks to his former employee Rambo Joe Biggs, live from prison, about how he's been sentenced to 17 years in jail for plotting a seditious conspiracy.
In this installment, Dan and Jordan find Alex falling victim to a very real Globalist hack attack after his first appearance on Coast to Coast. Plus, Alex discusses two recent trips to SeaWorld and tries his hand at comedy.