Today, listener Alan has sent Dan and Jordan on a fact-finding mission going back to May 2012 to see what Alex Jones was up to back then. The goal was to learn about the spin on the death of Osama Bin Laden, but instead what they find are so many lies about FEMA camps, using cash being illegal, and "the death of the Chicken Man"
Dan and Jordan discuss the Oct 25th episode of The Alex Jones Show. Topics covered include:
Today, Dan tells Jordan all about what happened on the Oct. 22nd and 23rd episodes of The Alex Jones Show. Come! Behold as Alex Jones lies his ass off in the middle of a special report about the media lying! Behold Dan embarrassing himself by thinking a non-Rush song is Rush! Behold Alex accidentally revealing that he doesn't read any of the articles he talks about on the show!
Today, Dan is hungover and doesn't want to talk about Alex Jones, so he takes the opportunity to tell Jordan all about what happened on a recent installment of Kerry Cassidy's Project Camelot. The lead singer of Blink-182 has been hanging out, talking about aliens with a guy named "Jim Semivan," and Kerry has some serious thoughts about it.
Today, Dan tells Jordan about the October 19th episode of The Alex Jones Show. In this episode, Alex accidentally steps into a large narrative pot-hole about the timeline of the investigation into Trump's connections to Russia. Also, Alex puts on an "awkward transitioning into sales pitch" clinic.
Today, Dan and Jordan finish up the 2015 investigation for real over a bottle of wine. The gents discuss how clear it becomes on closer analysis that Alex Jones was the victim of a dirty trick/psyop at the end of 2015 that led him to end up supporting Donald Trump. Probably a coincidence that he was hanging out with a dirty trickster and psyop specialist at the time.
Today, Dan tells Jordan all about what happened on last Friday and this Monday's episodes of The Alex Jones Show. The episode begins with a discussion of why it appears that Alex is in league with Nazis, then spirals out of control as Alex makes a surprising confession, Owen Shroyer shows his incompetence, and Alex gets very introspective and starts speaking in riddles.
Today, Dan tells Jordan about some of the weirdness that occurred on the Oct. 11th episode of The Alex Jones Show, but that weirdness could not possibly match the weirdness that happens when Larry Nichols calls in to the show with a complicated story dealing with Hard Rice, jingles, and Linda Bloodworth-Thomas.
Today, Dan tells Jordan all about what happened on the Oct. 10 episode of The Alex Jones Show.
Alex is all over the place about the Las Vegas shooting and Harvey Weinstein, but more importantly, Dan and Jordan call Larry Nichols to try to discuss his attempts to blackmail Congress.
Today, Dan tells Jordan all about how Alex Jones ended his broadcast year in 2015. As it turns out, he closes out the year with an interview with Dan's #2 Favorite Crazy, a very bigoted preacher by the name of Rev. James David Manning.
Today, Dan wraps up his investigation into why and when Alex Jones decided to join up with Team Trump. Most of the questions have been answered.
Then, Dan and Jordan have a very bizarre conversation about the state of the world.