In this installment, Dan and Jordan check in on the modern day, only to find Alex being deeply defensive about his support of Elon Musk. Plus, the guy that Alex thinks is Elon Musk calls in again.
In this installment, Dan and Jordan dip back to the past to experience Alex interviewing a guy who runs a bar in Spain who has a plan to offer microchips as VIP membership cards. This results in the most bone-chilling and sinster interview Alex has ever conducted.
In this installment, Dan and Jordan look in to see how Alex is doing the day after news broke that his creditors have voted to liquidate his assets in his bankruptcy. Turns out, he's an hour late to the show, but has less outbursts than you might expect.
In this installment, Dan and Jordan check in on Alex's Sunday show, and find him attempting to cover Cheerios and a pandemic preparedness treaty, but ends up mostly just being a bit racist.
In this installment, Dan and Jordan attempt to figure out Alex's response to the cascade of news stories that have broken since they last recorded. Unfortunately, Alex was out of studio Thursday and Friday, so they're left to sort through some special reports to get the lay of the land.
In this installment, Dan and Jordan checkin to see how Alex covered the release of Tucker Carlson's interview with Putin. As it turns out, he decides to spend most of him time getting into a fight with David Icke about Elon Musk.
In this installment, Dan and Jordan discuss Tucker Carlson's weird new interview with Putin, where Tucker gets an extended history lesson, gets sassed a few times, and then tries to free an imprisoned journalist.
In this installment, Dan and Jordan check in to see how Alex covers the announcement that Tucker Carlson is going to be releasing an interview with Vladimir Putin. Also, Alex gets mad about female SWAT teams for no reason.
In this installment, Dan and Jordan discuss Alex Jones breaking down a very major, exclusive story, then getting side-tracked by the pressing need to sell silver, only to descend into a series of mood swings.
In this installment, Dan and Jordan check in on how Alex is holding up and find that he's learned a new way to mispronounce Vivek Ramaswamy's name, is still doing his racist dragon character, and is strangely defensive about Leave It To Beaver.