Today, Dan and Jordan check in to see what Alex Jones is up to in the present day. If you don't have time to listen to this episode, it's mostly about Alex reporting on a meme that Donald Trump retweeted. Really hard-hitting stuff.
Today, Dan and Jordan explore the positions of one of Alex Jones' guests, Reverend James David Manning. What they find is a horrifying melange of insanity, historical ignorance, and very offensive homophobia. Please be advised, some of the stuff he says is very hard to hear.
Today, Dan and Jordan get back to their normal show by chatting about the March 24, 2009 episode of The Alex Jones Show. The gents find Alex completely freaking out (and fake crying) about his made up Mandatory Service Bill, and breaking some bad news about a past guest with a really funny name.
Today, Dan and Jordan finish up their look at Alex Jones' 2009 "documentary" The Obama Deception, and are lucky to make it out with their sanity mostly intact.
Today, Dan and Jordan enter the home stretch, episode 4 of their coverage of Alex Jones' 2009 "documentary" The Obama Deception. In this installment, we pick up on a cliff-hanger and learn about how insane Ron Paul's brother is, then learn a little bit about Ron's career in the House of Representatives. It's not all Paul family stuff this episode though, there's also some historical revisionism and more made-up quotes.
Today, Dan and Jordan enter Part 3 of their coverage of Alex Jones' 2009 "documentary" The Obama Deception. In this installment, we see Alex completely blow it with list-making, misrepresent some history, and make a few decent points for the completely wrong reasons.
Today, Dan and Jordan continue their look at Alex Jones' 2009 "documentary" The Obama Deception. In this installment, we meet another hip-hop legend, watch Alex reuse tons of footage from Endgame, and discuss whether or not the Federal Reserve is really private.
Today, Dan and Jordan begin an adventure of breaking down Alex Jones' 2009 "documentary" The Obama Deception. In this installment, we get the lay of the land, meet some of the main players in the documentary, and find so many problems that this episode only covers the first 12 minutes of the film.
Today, Dan and Jordan take a break from talking about Alex Jones to check in with the wacky world of Project Camelot, to learn about some high class Space Weirdos. On this installment, the gents meet two men who claim to have spent 20 years each working in space. Their stories are interesting, but their revelations about space laws are game changers.
Dan is in the middle of preparing the research for the forthcoming Obama Deception documentary coverage, so he needs a real novelty to really get his mind into the show today. Thus, he decides to tell Jordan about some old clips he found of Alex Jones from his public access days in the Clinton era. What the gents end up finding there is at times charming, and at times deeply troubling.
Today, Dan and Jordan continue examining Alex Jones' path through 2009. He's been completely obsessed with dishonestly portraying "the patriots" as being under attack from all sides, and this episode is nothing if not a continuation of that trend. Also, apparently G.I. Joe is "Globalist propaganda."
Today, Dan and Jordan discuss how Alex Jones and Co. are dealing with the results of the 2018 midterm elections. In a shocking turn of events, Ted Nugent accurately assesses that his worldview is unpopular, Alex desperately tries to move product, and Roger Stone swings for the white nationalist fences.
Today, Dan is under the weather, so he cannot handle doing the modern day episode he had prepared to tell Jordan about. Instead, he picks a few of the most important clips from that show and explains to Jordan how Alex Jones has officially abandoned one of his most deeply held principles in the name of supporting Trump's horrific xenophobia.
Today, Dan and Jordan discuss the March 20th, 2009 episode of The Alex Jones Show. On this episode, the gents learn about an attempted martial law takeover of Schenectady, an attempt at outlawing you from having a garden, an attempt to force the population into serving the Department of Defense, and of course, how Alex is wrong about everything.